Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rimando, Gina M.

" Gina "

Mary Jane Rimando Consul

Section: IV - I

Vocational Electives:  Cosmetology 

Status:  Married

Groups: 2nd Battalion  CAT Officer S?

Currently living in Alberta, Canada

I miss all my high school friends!  


  1. Kasama ka ata ng 3maria ng IVA, so i think S4 ka...hehe!
    Tama ba, Perlie?

  2. nope! magkakasama kami nila Gina, Tessa, Glo. Si Pearl ang Battalion Commander "DAW" namin.. lol! at least ako alam ko na S3 ako. kasi madalas kong kasama si jeng.. G3 sya. I don't remember a lot of things anymore. Not welcoming the old ages! I REFUSE TO GET OLD! hahaha.. I even asked Bobby, Jerome di na rin nila matandaan. I will do a little research on this. Looking good, sister!
